Decommissioning Plugs
In the 2.5 Litre RS3/TTRS, AMG GLC63 two of these are installed while the valves are in the “Open” state. The plugs emulate valves so the ECU senses the valve motors are still connected . This avoids error codes being generated and stored in memory. The sole function of these plugs is to prevent the valve motors from changing to a closed state while the ECU sees function as normal.
There are also some terminating caps provided to seal the valve servo motor sockets preventing corrosion or weather damage when the wire harness is disconnected.
These are an ideal lower cost solution where no control over the valves is required and they remain constantly open. It is not recommended for cars with exhaust modifications such as a downpipe where there is a higher output volume and valve control is desirable

ASR Component RX2 -Valve flap controller
The RX2 in its basic form gives full function control over the valve motors with the remote control transmitter as follows:
- Valves open
- Valves closed
- Pass through (OE system control)
In addition the controller has memory function so it remains in the last set state regardless of ignition state. This is an ideal solution where valve control is required with just a simple remote control.
With the RS3 there is no park assist offered so the switch is blank. The replacement multi switch uses the park assist switch to operate the valve motors with LED feedback. This offers ease of use and no fumbling for that remote when a quick valve change is required, it is also a subtle way of switching where a louder exhaust system or downpipe is used using an original part making the whole system look totally stock.

ASR Component RX2 Plus – Valve flap controller with Auto Stop/Start memory function
This is the ultimate valve motor control as it has dual functions.
Adding memory to Auto Stop/Start function
Normally to disable Auto Stop start it must be done in coding by changing the threshold voltage. While this works really well the disadvantages are
- If stop start is ever required the ECU needs to be recoded
- There is often a Stop/Start activation Disabled indicator displayed on the dashboard info center.
The RX2 addresses both these issues and is wired directly to the Stop/Start Activation switch so that when selected, stop start activation function is normal EXCEPT it remains in memory, so the next time you start the car or change from Dynamic mode to another mode the last selected stop/start function is retained in memory! Whilst some may find Stop Start Activation useful in some circumstances The RX2 adds memory to the function so if it is disabled by selection it remains disabled until reselected.
Valve Flap Control
By pressing and holding the Stop/Start switch for around 3 seconds the second mode of valve motor control is active. (LED flashes 3 times) The switch then controls as follows:
- Valves open
- Valves closed
- Pass through (OE system control)
A further function of making the system totally transparent is available by holding down the switch for more than 10 seconds. This might be used if the car is being inspected for EPA requirements or similar and remaps the switch back to normal function until you are ready to put it back in action
A huge advantage of the RX2 controller is the fitment. No cutting of wires or permanent changes to the car, the controller is installed behind the passenger footwell panel in a simple installation completely plug and play. Only you and your installer know it’s fitted. Fitting is simple and can be completed by many savvy car owners.